🦅 연세대학교 1년 다니면서 배운 4가지 I 4 Lessons I Learned @ Yonsei University

Описание к видео 🦅 연세대학교 1년 다니면서 배운 4가지 I 4 Lessons I Learned @ Yonsei University

안녕하세요 - 오늘은 사뭇 다른 영상을 다뤄볼까 해요 :) - 저의 조금 더 개인적인 이야기를 담는 영상이기도 하고 만들면서 다시 한번 제 자신을 되돌아볼 수 있는 계기가 되기도 했던 것 같아요. 재밌게 봐주시고 다들 10월 한 달도 잘 보내봐요 :))

Hey guys, it's Sol here - I hope you're all well 💜 Today's video is probably a little different from my other ones - this is one of my very first sit-down videos and I had so much fun working on it... as tedious and tiresome as the process of having to go through my entire gallery was, it definitely was a chance for me to reflect on myself once again and see how far I've come.

I can't believe it's October already. I hope you all had a lovely September, and and started October with much love and happiness.

#yonseiuniversity #연세대학교 #college #collegelife


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