Looper Review by Keith Kelly

Описание к видео Looper Review by Keith Kelly

http://www.innovativecommunicatons.tv "Looper" is one crazy, mind-bending adventure, that's also deep and thoughtful. I'm Keith Kelly. My thoughts on this film are coming your way right now.

The tagline for "Looper" a time travelling, action, thriller drama is: "face your future, fight your past". Metaphorically, can you really fight your past? What's done is done, isn't it? You can't go back and change things. But what if you could? Could you really affect things for a better future, or would you just mess things up-you know, with all the time-travelling paradoxes at work. If an older version of you came and tried to straighten you up, or put you on a path you weren't planning on travelling, and it worked, wouldn't that change the life you already had in the future-possibly negating it, or irrevocably altering it?

These, and many other alternative timeline questions help elevate "Looper" to a level much higher than most action thrillers. Lots of existential stuff here in between the bloodshed. Everything is connected in a circular way-a mother's actions influences her son's future behavior, who can influence another son's life-and therefore change the path of the future. This film supposes that all our actions in life are circular-not linear.

Its not all heady stuff though-there are still plenty of executions, drug use, and views of a future not that far removed from our present. At the top of the food chain in this messed up, poverty filled near future are the Loopers. They are a unique type of hit men. 30 years in their future, time travel has been invented, and quickly shut down. Bad guys in the farther future illegally use the technology to send victims 30 years in the past to be assassinated and cleanly disposed of. In the farther future-there is no way to remove all evidence of the newly departed-technology has gotten too good-so the Loopers help make it like the people never existed.

That's just how things start out. If it's already too confusing, you might want to check out a more lightweight Sci-fi thriller. If you're intrigued, "Looper" might be right up your alley.

Two strong leads play younger and older versions of the Looper known as Joe. Bruce Willis plays the old guy-Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the younger, more selfish version-though everybody here works on different levels of selfishness. I try to be spoiler free-but you can tell from the trailers that the two Joes meet up.

Both Willis and Gordon-Levitt bring strength, doubt, sincerity and complexity to their roles. Neither of them has lived lives they are proud of, and now they both have a chance to step away from that life, or totally change its dynamics.

Emily Blunt is excellent in her supporting role as protector/love interest Sara, but the real surprise is the youngster who plays her son-Pierce Gagnon, who can easily switch from cuddly and cute to demonically terrifying.

If you are fans of this talented cast, and like bloody, gritty futuristic time travel movies-"Looper" is a fantastic choice for your cinema dollars, earning it a grade of "B+". I'm Keith Kelly.

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