Server Architecture in the Age of Serverless Computing by Jovan Stojkovic, UIUC

Описание к видео Server Architecture in the Age of Serverless Computing by Jovan Stojkovic, UIUC

Chasing the Tail at Scale: Server Architecture in the Age of Serverless Computing

Frequent context switches within function invocations and a high degree of core oversubscription lead to energy- and performance-inefficient execution in serverless environments. In this talk, I will cover my three recent works that make a step towards “serverless-native” processor architectures.

First, I will introduce 𝜇Manycore (ISCA ‘23), a manycore processor design optimized for microservice and serverless workloads. The general-purpose processor is enhanced with a hardware support for request scheduling and context switching, and a new hierarchical manycore topology. Second, I will present Mosaic (MICRO ‘24), a hardware-software co-design that slices oversized micro-architectural structures into per-function tiles and maintains the functions’ states across context switches and concurrently for multiple functions across different tiles. Finally, I will conclude with EcoFaaS (ISCA ‘24), a software scheme that is the first energy management framework specifically designed for serverless environments.


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