FS22 Deer Lands | Earn extra money | All 100 Collectables

Описание к видео FS22 Deer Lands | Earn extra money | All 100 Collectables

#farmingsimulatorcollectibles, #farmingsimulator22, #farmingsimulator22

This is a video that lists all 100 collectables on Deer Lands, sorted by location to make it easier to collect them all. Commentary has been added to the subtitles, including coordinates of all collectables.

Farming Simulator 22 All collectables in the game with coordinates on Deer Lands .
Easy to find and earn extra money.

Use the map at the beginning of this video, or follow the full video to find all collectables.

Do you want some general info about collectables. Or some more tips and tricks. See my other video: A guide to collectables, link:
   • FS22 A Guide to Collectables on Conso...  


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