Brazil Under Getúlio Vargas: Ruthless dictatorship or historic leadership? (1/2)

Описание к видео Brazil Under Getúlio Vargas: Ruthless dictatorship or historic leadership? (1/2)

In parallel to World War II, Brazil experienced its third republic – or the New State during the Vargas Era. Getúlio Vargas was a leader who rose to power after a revolution, elected president under a new constitution, declared himself a dictator with expanded powers, was later deposed, and then remarkably re-elected by the Brazilian people.

Watch now a very comprehensive documentary that covers his rule as a dictator from 1937 to 1945 and explores how Vargas managed multiple governments before ultimately taking his own life. In his final letter, he famously wrote: "Serenely, I take my first step on the road to eternity and I leave life to enter history."

▷ 0:00:00 – Opening credits
▷ 0:00:35 – Introduction
▷ 0:19:15 – 1937
▷ 1:01:03 – 1938
▷ 1:19:48 – 1939
▷ 1:42:18 – 1940

#documentary #brazil #history #wwii #getúliovargas #fascism #dictatorship #latinamerica #wocomoHISTORY

Watch part two of this documentary:    • Third Brazilian Republic, a fascist a...  
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A complete documentary about the Estado Novo, tracing the trajectory from the coup d'état that installed Getúlio Vargas in power to the military intervention that culminated in his resignation.

Using extensive archival material, including newsreels, photographs, letters, home and fictional films, diary excerpts, and popular songs, the documentary examines the legacy of the Estado Novo (1937–1945), led by Getúlio Vargas.

By comparing and analyzing these diverse records – created for purposes ranging from political propaganda to family celebrations – the film reevaluates the multiple layers of this historical period, revealing its external influences, operational dynamics, and contradictions.

Original title: Images of the New State 1937-45
A film by Eduardo Escorel

2016 © Licensed by Europa Filmes

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