Mesmerizer | English Cover ft. Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto

Описание к видео Mesmerizer | English Cover ft. Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto

I've been wanting to get this out for awhile, but I kept procrastinating because I didn't want to reuse the original MV, even if it's allowed... So I just gave up on mixing and visuals entirely (^^♪

Original:    • メズマライザー / 初音ミク・重音テトSV  
Thumbnail artist:
UST by アトリ科ヒワ属のゲン(囀る藤の庭)


Our policy, that's "NO THINK!"
Pretend not to see feelings
Cognitive dissonance...? Dunno what you mean!
N' so then our safe space is shrinking
Our wounds are prostituting
Crying? You should be ashamed.

Well then I've got just the recommendation for your type!
It's called a FOOL'S TOTAL ESCAPE!!!
Never again stuck working for the man, although conditions apply,
Take it from me, a girlie pushing her thirties,
in this world you can't live sanely
You've got it right! Just keep tossing yourself to the side
and tha~t's for satisfaction garunteed...?

If even wilted flowers dressed up with a note
can go and steal my heart, are they still a bouquet?

Soon enough their dye will entirely taint,
and that note's tickets for front row seats

Say bye-bye!
Look at your mind getting torn away
for these times you're simply tailor-made
Getting fooled by this truthful act they're staging
Your heart beating so loudly, the sound driving me insane

You're running low on your extra lives ; ;
Your defense's being worn away
So of course you can't see who's still staring back
Your hands are simply tied with living!
Can someone come and save us, please? (^^♪

H _ _? Hat!
E _ _ _ _ _? Eraser!
L _ _ _ _? Lemon!
P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? Phphribylaminimadazleuccincarbximide!

"You can feel weights pull down on your eyes,"
And so shallowly been MESMERIZED
My head and my limbs and my soul will be dyed
How is it I've been deceived so many times?!
Swinging a coin, my head starts to bow,
I feel myself fading to the still background
"Everything's fine now, repeat that aloud,"
Coaxed into a, into a SHUT DOWN

Even if you still survive some way
you'll be left unrewarded everyday
We're all bots getting trapped in these loops already
No way to break the habit, guess I'm staying stuck this way

If you've no luck, no more hope left over,
it's even worse to try and pray
'Cause there's naught, nothing more, nothing you don't want
so just give it up and drop it, this is your fate after all

There's no more point in accepting praise ; ;
This fake charisma's twisting my brain
And then if you keep on staring down the truth
you'll just end up going blind!
So only peek a little bit, okay~? (^^♪


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