Some Micro SMG Action... (GTA 4 Online Gameplay 2022)

Описание к видео Some Micro SMG Action... (GTA 4 Online Gameplay 2022)

GTA 4 Online 2022 | Here is some gameplay from September 17th. I was going to upload this entire game but it was pretty slow for the most part, so just showed the last quarter. The host put Weak Weapons/Prison which was a popular choice for clan battles years ago, so this game was nostalgic. The game after this was Colony/Rifles, which was nostalgic for all the wrong reasons.

Ban Update: I give up. I thought I was banned for cheating at first, but I was banned for other reasons. When some people told me there was "proof" that I cheat the day after I got banned, I figured somebody sent a clip around or something. Now it's over because everybody thinks I tried to cover up the real reasons for being banned by making something else up, so now this mess is beyond repair. Since all of our words are being relayed through other people, this leads to miscommunications, which resulted in my destruction. There's no point trying to talk with anybody now, and there's also no point organizing a GTA IV event because barely anybody has a PS3 in 2022. In the past organizing an event was easy... you just tell people to stop playing Cod and load up IV, but in 2022... you have to tell them to go buy a used PS3, and then find a copy of a game with servers that may not exist by 2023. It's a tough sell. I'll keep uploading for a while since people are watching, but I can't play anymore.

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