Lego Bionicle Review: JTO Makuta (Long Review)

Описание к видео Lego Bionicle Review: JTO Makuta (Long Review)

Hey guys here is my long review on JTO Makuta (Shadow Titan). If you get sick of the long one do go check out the short version one here

   • Lego Bionicle Review: JTO Makuta (Sho...  

Here are the segments

1:04 - Legs (Structure & Articulation)
4:40 - Battle Skirt
6:03 - Torso
9:00 - Shoulder armoury pieces
12:05 - Gear Function
12:46 - Arms Structure)
14:26 - Arm (Articulation)
16:15 - Weapon (Twin Blades)
16:44 - Weapon (Staff)
17:50 - Overall Summary of the set
20:00 - Size Comparison (Minifigure)
20:27 - Size Comparison (Mask Maker Makuta)
21:08 - Size Comparison (Enchanted Ekimu)


Here is my review on the Bionicle Magazine issue 2 (polish)

Here is my Lego Bionicle review on the graphic novel #2

Here is my Mask of Ultimate power (shapeways) unboxing

Also please do SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE my videos around

Have a great day guys


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