Registration Day | First Day | Xian Jiaotong University | Orientation | HamziLog

Описание к видео Registration Day | First Day | Xian Jiaotong University | Orientation | HamziLog

I give a thorough description of the international students' first-day registration experience at Xi'an Jiaotong University in this video. Xi'an Jiaotong University, a distinguished university in Xi'an, China, was founded in 1896 and is well-known for its extensive academic offerings and high caliber of research. The registration process, including the stages and paperwork needed for enrollment, is covered in detail in the video. It also displays some of the university's amenities, like its cutting-edge research labs, contemporary residence halls, and vast library holdings. This useful guide, which provides insightful information about the first arrival and orientation experience at one of China's top engineering and technology institutes, seeks to help incoming international students.

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