The Rulebreaker: The new biography of legendary journalist Barbara Walters | The Excerpt

Описание к видео The Rulebreaker: The new biography of legendary journalist Barbara Walters | The Excerpt

At age 47, Barbara Walters broke the glass ceiling for women in broadcast journalism, becoming co-anchor of a network evening news program at ABC. She would go on to land big interviews, from U.S. presidents to world leaders like Vladimir Putin and Fidel Castro but also celebrities like the singer Courtney Love and boxer Mike Tyson. Through it all, Walters brought a signature style of interviewing. Her interview subjects laughed with her and cried with her. Actor Patrick Swayze even danced with her. What drove this bold and ambitious woman? USA TODAY Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page joins The Excerpt to talk about her new book “The Rulebreaker: The Life and Times of Barbara Walters.” The biography takes readers behind the glamour of the famous broadcaster to share the story of a woman who broke all the rules, shattered glass ceilings and gave women a permanent place on America’s news airwaves.


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