Castleton to Win Hill via Hope

Описание к видео Castleton to Win Hill via Hope

well i got out as i said i was going to, i was unsure where to go but after browsing through OS maps i found a walk i liked as after i had the car repaired i wanted to stay local enough to get home if it failed so Castleton it was its public and close to home.
so Jayne's off on a break with her daughter and i'm home alone ( well i have Frank the cat) but he;s no company as he's always out and about, i have a rare four days off and all is looking good the weather is even in good favor, i did plan on going out yesterday but when its 30 degree i though no chance i don't mind walking in all weathers but i say no to that temp way too hot.
i'd say i wanna go out to lose a bit of weight but i think that one has gone way past the walking
so castleton in was and i found a route that took me to Win hill and yes i've done that before but there are other routes to all destinations.

so i hope you enjoy this walk, oh and to the couple i bumped into who have seen my videos .......... HI

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