REALISTIC DAY IN MY LIFE - Working in customer service - WHAT IT'S LIKE

Описание к видео REALISTIC DAY IN MY LIFE - Working in customer service - WHAT IT'S LIKE

Hi, hope you're having a good day! Todays video is a realistic day in my life in my 9-5 working in customer service as a support agent. As some of you may know I am no longer a personal stylist as I am currently studying and working as a customer service agent. I personally love seeing videos like these where you get to see a glimpse of someones every day-to-day life so I hope you'll like mine.

Maybe you work in customer service yourself or you are about to start a similar job. I have worked within service for 10+ years of my life and I absolutely love it. Yes some days it's energy draining but it's a perfect job whilst studying since I can just leave at the end of the day and not think more about work. This is a glimpse of my 9-5 on the days when I go into the office A lot of days I do work from home since I have that opportunity as well. Let me know if you'd like to see a "realistic day in my life working from home" or day in the life studying and going to uni remotely.

Do you also work as a customer service agent? What do you think about the job? Do you get to work from home? Let me know in the comment section down below! ☺️


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