It's Fantastic! | Issue 4 | 妙不可言(四)

Описание к видео It's Fantastic! | Issue 4 | 妙不可言(四)

It's Fantastic! | Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Favorite Things

Every couple of months, we share with you a personal recommendation from Rinpoche about one of his favorite things — a book, a movie, a piece of music, a coffee shop, a book store ...

在「妙不可言」(It’s Fantastic!)系列,中,我們會不定期與大家分享仁波切的一些個人好物推薦,例如:書籍、電影、音樂、咖啡室、書店等等。

And this time, three movies in one go:
Blade Runner (1982), Blade Runner 2049 (2017) and The Deer Hunter (1978)
銀翼殺手(1982) ,銀翼殺手 2049 (2017)和越戰獵鹿人(1978)


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