Fixing My Low Back Without Drugs or Surgery | Per | RehabFix Online Low Back Program

Описание к видео Fixing My Low Back Without Drugs or Surgery | Per | RehabFix Online Low Back Program

Per @pergulbranson from Minnesota was struggling with sciatica for 1 year.
He had tried a chiropractor and different exercises/stretches but was not getting anywhere and felt like he was guessing.
Per wanted to remove this pain but also all restrictions of movement so he could move freely and push himself with calisthenics.
Per was willing to do whatever it took to learn how to fix his body in a way that was sustainable so he could keep the knowledge for life, and just get back to being active and exercising without pain.
Now just 1/2 way through the RehabFix Online Low Back Program Per has significantly reduced his sciatica and low back pain! He is confident in his body again and most importantly is achieving his goals!
Per has gained control of his body and knows what to do! Your motivation and commitment is paying off! You are bulletproof! 💪
🙏 Leave a comment for Per!

✅ Want to fix your low back 1-on-1 with me? Apply using the link for acceptance into the RehabFix Online Low Back Program for 1:1 coaching!

Based out of Tampa, Florida

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