Toy Pianos | Undertronic Remix

Описание к видео Toy Pianos | Undertronic Remix

Hello again, today I bring to you a remix from a fellow music producer called SharaX. I got permission to remix their songs a while back, so here we are with their song "Toy Pianos"!

This song, as SharaX describes it, has a post-apocalyptic theme with vague lyrics. My personal take on this is that someone this someone feels very lonely and wishes to find a toy piano to remind themselves of better times... But that's just my theory, A REMIX THEORY!

...Sorry for that. Anyway, hope you enjoy this weeks remix, and see you next week!

Composer: ‪@SharaXOfficial‬ (clickable link)
Background: Battle Los Angeles (2011)
Remix: Kegster


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