Let's Play SimAnt! part 1 - I Am the BEST Ant!

Описание к видео Let's Play SimAnt! part 1 - I Am the BEST Ant!

returning once again to my childhood! this time, instead of a pioneer, I'm an ANT!!

Official Website: http://www.reitannaseishin.virb.com

Go there! Become a Reitannite and spread the Word of Awesome!!

I also am in financial crisis, but ANYONE can help by donating here: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/web...

Every little bit counts, and I really need it, so anyone willing to donate is MUCH appreciated. Thank you!

NINTENDO FRIEND CODE: 0877-1329-0809

give me yours! I need more friend safaris in Pokémon X!!


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