IDAHO - where you can have 12 miles of cutthroat water to yourself over a holiday!

Описание к видео IDAHO - where you can have 12 miles of cutthroat water to yourself over a holiday!

In the late summer of 2022, I lived off the grid for 9 weeks exploring and fly fishing some of the west's most remote streams. I recorded every day and started sharing my 9-week truck bed camping road trip after I returned home in mid-October. In this video I've driven to a remote stream over the Labor Day weekend and surprisingly never saw another person fishing it in 3 days. I had an amazing time truck camping and fishing...this is one of the prettiest streams anywhere! The bonus was the native westslope cutthroat trout that live in it, and they loved the dry fly!

I started my 9 week road trip on July 31, 2022, and spent roughly 3 weeks in WY, ID and MT. Check out all the videos from this trip in the playlist linked below:

2022 9-week road trip (WY.ID.MT) playlist:
   • The Browns in this Wyoming stream wer...  

#fishing #camping #flyfishing


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