Faber-Castell Fresh fountain pen review

Описание к видео Faber-Castell Fresh fountain pen review

A new, very affordable fountain pen from Faber-Castell, the Faber-Castell Fresh is an odd-looking fountain pen, but it is a very good writer.

The Faber-Castell Fresh appears to be a direct competitor to the Lamy Safari, particularly in its design style, however, the Faber-Castell Fresh takes standard international ink cartridges and converters, unlike the Lamy Safari with its proprietary Lamy ink cartridges/converter!

The Faber-Castell Fresh fountain pen comes in black, blue, red and green colour variants. The nibs only appear to be offered in the one size - medium - which is (in true Faber-Castell style) more of a medium-fine nib, when you consider that this is a German i.e. European manufacturer.

The Faber-Castell Fresh fountain pen has another direct competitor in the Platinum Prefounte, which has quite similar feedback from the nib when writing.
Check out my review of the Platinum Prefounte fountain pen here:    • Platinum Prefounte Fountain Pen Review  

Overall, I think that the Faber-Castell Fresh fountain pen is an excellent, affordable starter fountain pen, but it does have the two aforementioned close rivals.

Here's the link to my review of the Faber-Castell Hexo fountain pen:    • Faber Castell Hexo fountain pen revie...  


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