Day 10 of Recovery - Update + Plumbing/Water Flow & Plant Filtration

Описание к видео Day 10 of Recovery - Update + Plumbing/Water Flow & Plant Filtration

Featuring: Recovery Update, Plumbing/Water Flow Explanation, Plant Filtration Details
Starring: Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans)
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)
Oja Santa (Piper auritum)
Cameos: Dead Plecostomus, Oso & Maya (German Shepherd Dogs)

Tenth Day of Recovery from the Texas Winter Storm of 2021

Credit for the comment with a solution to our clogged drains problem, that we will soon implement, goes to @Boldor Mihai. Thank you for the idea!

We've had lots of requests for a GoFundMe, so we set one up.
Here's the link:
We also had requests for a donation method that will accept PayPal, so we set up a FundRazr.
Here's the link:
Anyone that donates can ask Charles a questions that will be answered in a video on our channel.
The overwhelming outpouring of support from the fish community has been humbling and so appreciated. Thank you all!


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