NGT at the airport....

Описание к видео NGT at the airport....

Hehe... crazy Finns....

Translation / What is being said:

L: We're at the Hannover Airport.
A: Hangover Airport.
L: At the Hangover Airport. We already came through security and... there's no smoking here. That's bad since we have to wait for 2 hours. It's just not fucking going to work.
L (to Antti): What have you got to say about all this?
A: I wanna go home. I wanna go home.
L: You cannot.
L (to Snack): What about you?
S: Yeah, we're just hanging around, basically messing around, you know, at Hannover Airport.
L: Yeah, yeah that's rad, man.
A: At the passport control the lady said... "Could you please take your glasses off?"
"Ok" takes glasses off
"Could you please put your glasses on?" puts glasses on

L: That much about not smoking... shows Christus smoking
C: (?)... about smoking these. You don't have to borrow the... if you don't find an ashtray, you know?
L: Gimme some. Gimme some.
C: Yeah, yeah of course my brother...
L: Thanks.
C: ... my soulmate and whatever. Yeah.
C: But all things what makes matter of Germans people is... is when he goes to motions the dumping of cigarette ash And now I break the rules. So, so, could you please.... Hehe! Now we got to hurry up! WE WE WE WE WE
L: Alright, man!
C: It's like, it's like aloud to smoke everywhere but you have to be, uh, one (?)... of water when you... to get... to get that thing.
L: Hmm? Ashtray.
C: Now it's, now it's possible. Nobody's, fucking, care about what I doing now.
C: Now it's possible.
L: Oh, yes they do.
L: Theres comes... there comes the security.
C: Yeah? What about it? What now! Drink some booze.
C: It doesn't matter.
L: Ok this is the end of this tape so... fuck you!
C: I hope you enjoy our trip and... get rest!


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