Speaker Announcement | Young Investor Bootcamp

Описание к видео Speaker Announcement | Young Investor Bootcamp

With market volatility on the rise, it's the perfect time to focus on swing trading opportunities.😎
That's why I'm excited to announce: Live Trading Room - Swing Trading Special, and the best part? It's completely FREE !🥳 https://www.livetradingroom.co.in/ltr...
. We are glad to announce that the young and dynamic RANVEER ALLAHBADIA of #BeerBiceps who is a social media entrepreneur, YouTuber, motivational speaker, and leadership coach would be our first keynote speaker for Young Investor Bootcamp 360.

BeerBiceps by Ranveer Allahbadia is the ULTIMATE self-improvement & self-help youtube channel. A show where they host the country's greatest success stories and try digging out their secrets to success.

Click to know more about the program and book your seat now -https://www.younginvestor.co/

#YoungInvestor #Speaker #WhaterveritTakes #ABCT360 #YIB360


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