28. Lizard On The Bridge (The Amazing Spider-Man Soundtrack)

Описание к видео 28. Lizard On The Bridge (The Amazing Spider-Man Soundtrack)

The Lizard attacks on the bridge. Spider-Man saves a child.

You want to go down and see what's going on. Make way.

Someone help me, help my son is trapped. Hey, hey, friend, calm down. Look at me, I'm normal, you see. Stop her, yes, catch her, very well. What's your name? Jack? Yes. I'm going to get you out of here. Don't move. It's okay.

Now hold on to the seat in front of you. Count to three. One, two, three. That was easy, wasn't it? Yeah. You're doing great, good job.

Jack come up now. I can't. If you can. Listen to me, put your mask on, it'll help. Jack, put it on, well done. Now, come up, Jack. Please be quick, my friend. You're doing great, you're doing great. That's it. Keep going up, keep going up. No

Jack, dad. Jack. Thank God. Jack, you're okay. My son, my son. Who are you? Spider-Man.


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