Types Of People using ZOOM during LOCKDOWN (ft Graham Caygill)

Описание к видео Types Of People using ZOOM during LOCKDOWN (ft Graham Caygill)


During the lockdown, ZOOM has taken a major place in our daily life to keep connected to our closed ones, rather family, friends, work and even love partners for a variety of activities.. and we've noticed some pretty funny situations!

lmk in the comments below what kind of person you are during quarantine....! and if any of those situation happen to you!

Hope you enjoy this skit! We are Only spreading good vibes !

This is my first virtual collaboration with ‪@GrahamCaygill‬go check his channel out, he is the host of the online show called Street Singing Superstar where he goes to the streets to find the next Singing Idol in the Philippines!

Make sure to follow us on Instagram
My instagram:   / heyoleah  
His Instagram:   / grahamcaygill  

Also on Facebook & TikTok: ‪@HeyoLeah‬


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