Greatest MMA Fighter - MMA Master - One Man Army - Powerful Affirmations

Описание к видео Greatest MMA Fighter - MMA Master - One Man Army - Powerful Affirmations


The theory (we believe it is much more than just a theory!) is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.

Over time they overwrite any limiting or negative beliefs you may have about yourself or about not being able to do something, and replace them with positive thoughts and beliefs which instill confidence, belief, positivity, ambition and much more.

As you listen to these affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the video began.


I am a mixed martial arts master.
I am great at all martial arts.
I am a master at all martial arts.
I am a genius at all martial arts.
I was born to be the best M M A fighter in the world.
I was born to win fights.
I was born to be the best at martial arts.
I am a world famous mixed martial arts fighter.
I am the best M M A fighter in the world.
I am unbreakable.
I am unstoppable.
I am powerful.
I am brave.
I have massive amounts of bravery.
I have courage.
I have massive amounts of courage.
I am a one man army.
I can beat anyone.
I win all of my fights.
No one is better than me.
No one is tougher than me.
I am a great muay thai fighter.
I am confident in my abilities.
I am dedicated to my training.
I am dominant and assertive.
I have fast and accurate strikes.
I am agile.
I am motivated to practice.
I have quick knee strikes.
I have forceful elbow strikes.
Excelling at all martial arts comes naturally to me.
My reflexes are quick.
My muay thai technique is flawless.
Others see me as a muay thai master.
I am a confident muay thai fighter.
Focusing is easy for me.
Winning comes naturally to me.
Muay thai training is fun.
I can defeat any opponent.
I have great strength and speed.
I am a confident martial artist.
I am a strong fighter.
I am agile and quick.
I enjoy martial arts training.
I am highly disciplined.
I am dedicated to my training.
My mind is perfectly focused during combat.
I have a clear mind.
My punches are powerful and accurate.
I am a true martial artist.
Martial arts comes naturally to me.
My defense is impenetrable.
My reflexes are fast.
Self discipline is easy for me.
I have intense motivation to achieve martial arts mastery.
My punches and kicks are extremely accurate.
Others recognize me as a top martial artist.
My style is dominant.
I always make rapid improvement in my martial arts training.
Martial arts is a way of life for me.
I am skilled at jujitsu.
I am intuitive.
I react with lightening speed.
I am in tune with my body.
I am a great fighter.
I always win jujitsu fights.
I anticipate my opponent’s moves.
I have a strong sense of focus.
I am confident in my jujitsu abilities.
I am quick to repel an attack.
Others see me as a jujitsu master.
I easily redirect the attacking force of my opponent.
I love training in jujitsu.
Being a jujitsu student is an important part of who I am.
My reflexes are fast.
I can easily manipulate the force of my opponent.
Jujitsu fighting comes feels natural to me.
My opponents see me as a jujitsu fighter to be feared.
Practicing jujitsu is part of my normal daily routine.
My confidence is high.
I am a skilled wrestler.
I am full of confidence.
I am a winner.
I have amazing strength.
I am focused.
I am determined to win.
I have strong slams.
I have secure pins.
I enjoy training.
I am in great shape.
I can pin any opponent.
My grappling technique is solid.
My holds are strong.
Winning comes naturally to me.
I live to wrestle.
Opponents fear me.
Others recognize my wrestling ability.
Assertiveness comes naturally to me.
Training is fun.
Practicing is part of my normal daily routine.
I am a champion.
My judo skills are excellent.
I am strong and powerful.
I always train with intensity.
My mind is wired for judo excellence.
I anticipate the moves of my opponents.
I have perfect judo technique.
I always win.
My opponents respect and fear me.
I am extremely confident in my judo skills.
Others see me as a judo expert.
My concentration is perfect.
I have flawless judo technique.
I can react perfectly to any move by my opponent.
I find it easy to master new judo techniques
My mind is both focused and relaxed.
I always react with speed and precision.
I am a skilled fighter.
I am dedicated to my training.
My movements are fluid.
I have perfect timing.
I have strong, accurate punches.
I handle any fighting style with ease.
I win fights easily.
My mind and body are like water.
Mastering mixed martial arts is important to me.
My thoughts are always focused and clear.


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