He Should Never have said that to my AP Thresh...

Описание к видео He Should Never have said that to my AP Thresh...

Sylas dared call me, an AP Thresh enjoyer in Ultimate Spellbook... a... "noob"?!

Twitch:   / cryobeats  
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Here's some of my videos I recommend!
A Bad Summary of Thresh:    • A Bad Summary Of Thresh  

How to Hit 100% of your Thresh Hooks, and Other Skillshot Tips:    • How to Hit '100%' of Your Thresh Hook...  
Of course in game banter's fine but to expand on what I started to say in game, I get talking smack and a bit of BM during a competitive game, but to insult the player who is currently beating you is just an insult to yourself. That's the part I don't get.
Calling someone a "noob" after beating them is acceptable BM for sure and gets the competitive side going in almost anyone in my opinion, and I'm happy to do it back to someone I know but I don't know this Sylas personally so I'm not about to get too deep into it.


Intro music    • [Project SEKAI] Run! Sports Festival!...  
Stream music is by Gamechops - https://gamechops.com/
Outro music -    • Not Bad Afternoon  

#Thresh #CryoBeats #leagueoflegends


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