Panchakarma Treatment - My Ayurvedic Cleanse Experience (Feat. JONAH KEST)

Описание к видео Panchakarma Treatment - My Ayurvedic Cleanse Experience (Feat. JONAH KEST)

The Panchakarma Ayurvedic Cleanse Treatment is a staple of Traditional Indian Medicine, long renowned for its powerful healing properties. The Ayurvedic Pancha Karma therapy treatment is made up of several distinct parts, but in this video specifically, we participated in Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Nasya, Shiro-Abhyanga-Nasya, Pinda Swedana, and Basti (the Batsi is not in the video for obvious reasons)

I am so thankful that I was able to participate in such a helpful series of the Ayurvedic Pancha Karma Therapy Cleanse Treatment. Before arriving in Jaipur, I had very little knowledge of Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Medicines or the process of Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy, but after experiencing the Panchakarma treatment, I felt the urge to share these techniques and my experience, in hope to lead others to wellness through these Eastern Medicine Practices!


Aaron Rodgers - His Panchakarma Cleanse Explained and the awareness of Panchakarma from NFL Football Players has driven a lot of views to this video!

Chakrapani Ayurveda Clinic & Research Center



Panchakarma treatments are Ayurveda cleansing and detoxification treatments which are effective on both physical and mental levels (a magical therapy !).

The body and mind get revitalized and rejuvenated from the stress and strain of everyday life with an Ayurveda Panchakarma Cleanse.


BENEFITS of Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments:

1. Eradicates diseases from its root cause.
2. Restores health & wellness and minimises recurrence of the disease.
3. Promotes immunity & improves strength, vigour and vitality.
4. Enhances digestion and metabolism.
5. Delays ageing, rejuvenates the body and mind.
6. Improves the functioning of sense organs and mind.
7. Promotes a longer, healthier and happier life.



Panchakarma treatments are the five-fold Ayurveda cleansing therapies which get to the root cause of the problem and eliminate the deep-seated toxic metabolites (Ama) from the body thereby restoring the equilibrium of the doshas and promoting healthy tissues.

Just like a tree has to be destroyed completely by uprooting it, diseases have to be cured completely by cleansing toxins from the body by Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments, otherwise, there will be a recurrence of the disease again and again.


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