Reactors Reaction To Batman & Catwoman Against The Riddler Henchmen On The Batman | Mixed Reactions

Описание к видео Reactors Reaction To Batman & Catwoman Against The Riddler Henchmen On The Batman | Mixed Reactions

Reactors reaction to the Bat and the Cat joining forces on trailer 3 for the upcoming DC movie The Batman

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Featured reactions
Intro - 0:00
1 - 0:53 - Tyrone Magnus -    / @tyronemagnus  
2 - 1:35 - The Reel Rejects -    / @reelrejects  
3 - 2:08 - The Movie Couple -    / @themoviecouple  
4 - 2:38 - GETJaby -    / @cinepals  
5 - 2:57 - StruggleNation -    / @strugglenation  
6 - 3:44 - Jody's Corner -    / @jodyscorner  
7 - 4:14 - ImStillDontai -    / @imstilldontai.  
8 - 4:53 - WeWatchedAMovie -    / @wewatchedamovie  
9 - 5:18 - Michael Angelo -    / @michaelangeloman  
10 - 5:56 - GorTheMovieGod -    / @gorthemoviegod  
11 - 6:13 - Beyond The Trailer -    / @beyondthetrailer  
12 - 6:45 - Matthewvhaynes -    / @matthewvhaynes  
13 - 7:22 - Mama's Geeky -    / @mamasgeeky  
14 - 7:53 - Derrick Harris -    / @derrickharris9079  
15 - 8:17 - Black Nerd Comedy -    / @blacknerdcomedy  
16 - 8:44 - Late to the Party -    / @latetotheparty  
17 - 9:19 - Jay-3 Entertainment -    / @jay3entertainment  
18 - 9:46 - COMICS PLUS! by Akasan -    / @akasan  
19 - 10:09 - Fandom Zone -    / @fandomzone  
20 - 10:34 - The BS -    / @bowlingotter  

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