Vito Beats the Dockers: Honest Job (Mafia 2 | Gangsters Derek and Stephen)

Описание к видео Vito Beats the Dockers: Honest Job (Mafia 2 | Gangsters Derek and Stephen)

Vito Scaletta finally received an honest job. And worked honestly... the whole 2 minutes. Watch more Mafia 2 videos:

Vito wakes up to answer a phone call from his mother, who asks him if he'd already gone to see 'Mr. Papalardo' about finding an honest job. Vito lies to her, saying he was told to stop by today.

Once the call is over, put on some clothes and head for your car. Once you get in, follow your radar to the docks. Climb up the stairs to the top and open the door. A cutscene will start playing and you will be introduced to Derek Papalardo and his associate Stephen Coyne. You then get a job to load a pile of crates for only $10.

Follow Stephen and when he stops you will see some crates. He tells you to load them onto the truck, and if any of them get lost or broken, you will get nothing. Once he's done talking, pick up a crate and load it onto the truck. Once you load one, the door will open giving you the option to continuing the crates or leave. Vito will refuse to pick up crates after the fifth one.

When you leave, a small cutscene will play with Vito saying that doing that job isn't worth the money, to which Stephen responds that he doesn't want to see him around the docks anymore. Vito goes on to say he won't have to and that he can make a lot more money working with Joe. Stephen responds surprised that Vito knows Joe and tells Vito to follow him. Once the scene is over, follow Stephen back to Derek's office. Another cutscene plays where Stephen informs Derek that Vito knows Joe. Derek, finding this hard to believe, asks Vito if he doesn't mind him calling Joe and asking if knowing him is true. Before he makes the call, he pulls out a pistol, just in case Joe does not answer or Joe says he does not know Vito. Joe does answer and informs Derek that Vito is telling the truth. Derek gives Vito another job: collect $10 fee from each of the port workers to pay the monthly barber's fee.

Just exit Derek's office and head downstairs. Talk to a few of the workers. Some of them will give you the money, others you have to push around when prompted to get them to pay you. After collecting the money from three workers, a cutscene will play, where one of the workers refuses to pay and would rather fight you. Just beat him up and after that's done another cutscene will play with Vito saying to the workers: "Okay, anybody else... got a fucking problem with paying for the fucking barber?!" implying that if anyone else has a problem with paying the fee they will suffer the same fate as the worker he just beat up. Before Vito, Steve was chosen to collect the fee from the workers, and in turn lost in a fight against the same angry worker. Vito then takes the cash back up to Derek who will thank you and give you $50 as your cut along with another $50 for beating up the angry worker. He will mention that Joe called at told Vito to meet him at Freddy's in Little Italy. Just get back to your car and drive to Freddy's.

Chapter 3: Enemy of the State. Gameplay on Medium.

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