THE WRGP RAGES ON!! (Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist Streaming Vid)

Описание к видео THE WRGP RAGES ON!! (Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist Streaming Vid)

#YuGiOhLegacyoftheDuelistLinkEvolution #Konami #Simulation

So we finally come face to face with Iliaster but what is it that they are planing?!

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Channel Background Art Created by Pixela:
   / @pixelagames2000  

!points - To see how many Leo Points you have in your collection
!hug - Write this along with the targets name to help them feel better

Sound Effects - 5 Leo Points:

Member Sound Effects - 10 Leo Points:

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!battleroyal - 20 Leo Points - Type this command to start a free-for-all fight with others in the chat for some Leo Points!!
!boss - 30 Leo Points - Type this command to begin assembling a team with others in the chat to take on powerful foes and earn some Leo Points!!

Consider becoming a member of this channel:
   / @ultimatetomleo  

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Channel Rules:
1. NO Uncensored Swearing.
2. NO Spamming.
3. NO links. (Ask for permission)
4. NO harassing/bullying/insulting anyone in the chat. (And myself of course) This includes, but not limited to, negative comments towards a persons skill level and/or tactics in a game, jokes that set people up to look like a fool, etc.!!
5. Be respectful to EVERYBODY.
6. NO politics/religion/controversial topics.
7. NO backseat gaming unless I ask for help. (This includes but not limited to spoilers, tips, advice and anything where you're telling me what to do)
8. NO raid suggestions. (I ultimately decide who we raid at the end of a stream)
9. NO fake raids.
10. Don't promote yourself.
11. Please try to keep your conversations appropriate.
12. Please don't ask to become a mod, asking isn't going to help you.
13. Compliance with all applicable legislation is required at all times. (This includes but not limited to privacy, copyright, and/or local legislation.)
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