有一種科幻優雅藍Breathtaking classy blue —— De Bethune DB25 GMT Starry Varius

Описание к видео 有一種科幻優雅藍Breathtaking classy blue —— De Bethune DB25 GMT Starry Varius

Watch The World Vlog #24 有一種科幻優雅藍 De Bethune DB25 GMT Starry Varius
上週參加了一次新表展覽,久違的De Bethune再現光芒,其優雅招牌的藍色,依舊扣人心弘,其月相和日夜功能既獨特創新,卻又其實復古玩味,巧妙結合科幻太空設計元素,帶來型格神秘的基調…
令我欣賞的品牌特質,還遠遠不只這些!新一期Vlog,一起認識這個獨立品牌,De Bethune…

Vlog #24 Breathtaking classy blue - De Bethune DB25 GMT Starry Varius
Last week I was at an exhibition of De Bethune, an independent watch brand that I have long missed. The brand always reminds me of its breathtaking signature blue. Its moon phase and day/night indicator are not only unique, but also represent retro taste, blending scientific elements from outer space to create mysterious qualities…
These are not the only features I admire, far from it! In this latest episode, let me show you De Bethune more…

#debethune #watch #watches #GMT #menstyle #gentleman #startrek


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