Diving in Sardinia - Offside from motorcycling - Tauchen in Sardinien

Описание к видео Diving in Sardinia - Offside from motorcycling - Tauchen in Sardinien

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🎥 Diving in Sardinia - Offside from motorcycling

Tauchvideo? spinnst du jetzt 7evnHeaven?
Nein keine Sorge, ich möchte euch nur ein wenig Guster abseits vom Motorradfahren zeigen. Ein Video auf zwei rädern kommt bald wieder!

Yes, my channel is about driving my motorcycling.
But I love to dive. With more then 300 dives around the world
I am very attracted to the sea.

I was diving with the divecenter argonauta.it
We stay on the spots:

KT12 Wreck
An armoured German cargo ship which sank in 1943. Resting on the sandy sea-bottom, at a depth of between 23 and 34 metres, in sailing trim and well preserved. Considered to be one of the finest wrecks in the Mediterranean.

Organo Cave
Cave from which you can get to a room with a large organ-pipe concretion. Inside, you often see shoals of elegant sea ravens and apogon. Pretty play of colours and light effects.

What can I say about the center and the stuff.
With my experience I feel me very safe under water. Our guide was very nice and for MY feeling he had a very good overview under the water. The travel was fine and he shows us also a good beach spot and some other stuff. So it was a good dive and the price is also ok. The management does her job well.
The water temperature was about 24°C - 26°C and the view was perfect clear.

When you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

Liebe Freunde,
Ja ein Tauchvideo auf meinen Kanal ?
Richtig, meine zweite Leidenschaft hinter dem Motorradfahren.


Denkt immer daran:
©️by 7evnHeaven


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Euer 7H


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Batteriearten: offen, wartungsfrei, AGM, GEL und Blei-Calcium

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✌ Galiot_Bear: http://bit.ly/2dwDgnt

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