Rachel interviews Allegedly Dave

Описание к видео Rachel interviews Allegedly Dave

**UPDATE** Dean of Buxton contacted me to clarify:
For an offence to move from CIVIL to CRIMINAL there needs to be WILFUL INTENT. Therefore, for example, scraping a parked car by mistake is a CIVIL offence.

The Police are not supposed to intervene in a CIVIL offence (this was what the Regina vs Robert [Bob] White case hinged on). However, DRUNK DRIVING is a CRIMINAL offence ~ because it is a reckless act which endangers the lives of the Public at large. Just to reiterate though, in the case of what happened at my home, this allegation was wholly untrue and based on hearsay. In addition, I personally had nothing to do with what happened ~ I was not driving, nor did I witness any incident. **UPDATE**

Fascinating interview with Dave Murphy (aka Allegedly Dave) ~ which starts out analysing my incident with Derbyshire Police and a discussion on Castle Doctrine and our Common Law Rights... progressing on to Speeding Fines and how to deal with Magistrates Courts... segueing into a deep dive into the Anunnaki, Nephilim and 4D manifestation!

Well worth devoting an hour or so to listening.

To watch the ABBREVIATED video of the Derbyshire Police incident go to:    • Derbyshire Gestapo  

To join Dave's Telegram group visit: https://t.me/AskAllegedlyDave

To follow me on Telegram go to: https://t.me/rachelspeaksout


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