Is This Newborn Baby Elephant Going To Drown? Watch What Happens

Описание к видео Is This Newborn Baby Elephant Going To Drown? Watch What Happens

Strange, but amazing.
NOTE: BABY ELEPHANTS CAN'T SWIM until they're several months old!
This elephant herd, with a cute newborn baby elephant, wants to get to the other side of the Shimanquaneni Dam in Kruger National Park, where the gazing is more plentiful.
Will they succeed?
Why did they have to go through the dam?
Why not walk around the dam? its not that far?
Probably the herd wanted to introduce the baby to water asap.

'Although elephants are natural swimmers, they do not know how to swim as babies. South African elephant conservation researchers found that baby elephants (calves) do not learn how to swim until they are several months old. The mother elephants will stay with them when they are near water.
Baby elephants like to play in the water, and this helps them learn how to use their trunks. When elephants are very young, they do not know how to control their trunks. Many times they bend down their heads to drink water instead of using their trunks'.
Learn more:

Yes, older elephants are very good swimmers and they thoroughly enjoy the water, but BABY ELEPHANTS CAN'T SWIM until it’s several months old!

Respect the Wildlife AND other tourist!
• Please give the Animals space.
• Don’t drive next to animals when they walk down the road.
• If you need to follow them, then do so at a reasonable distance to avoid the stress it might cause the animals by following too closely.
• Please TURN OFF your car engines at a sighting – The Wildlife and other Tourist DO NOT need your AIR and NOISE Pollution.

– When you come across a sighting, slowly pull over on the side of the road closest to the animal, but keep a safe distance
– If there are animals in the road, immediately stop at least 20 m from them
– The lane furthest from the sighting should NEVER be blocked, so that others can pass if they want to
– Don’t linger longer than a few minutes at a sighting, so that others can view it too
– Never go off the designated roads
– Never climb out of your vehicle during a drive, or hang out of your car windows or sunroof
– Don’t hoot or blare loud music
– Avoid driving into vegetation, as this could damage the environment or kill small animals
– During night drives, never shine a spotlight directly in animals’ eyes
– Never make noise to get animals to move, stand up or otherwise react for pictures
– Respect the rangers, and always comply with their requests or instructions

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