The Chinese Footprint S2 远方的华人 S2 EP6 - Australia Bendigo

Описание к видео The Chinese Footprint S2 远方的华人 S2 EP6 - Australia Bendigo

In the 19th century, Bendigo, known as the "Big Gold Mountain", attracted numerous Chinese immigrants. Today, there remains a group of white-skinned, blond-haired Chinese descendants who retain a strong Chinese culture. What stories are there behind this group of little-known Chinese immigrants? 本迪戈是澳大利亚维多利亚州中部的一座城镇。19世纪时,有“大金山”之称的本迪戈吸引了大批怀抱淘金梦的华人涌入,至今还住了一群白皮肤、金头发的华人后裔,保留了浓烈的华族文化。这群鲜为人知的华人移民背后隐藏着怎样的故事?

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