[Alapana] Raga Bhairav

Описание к видео [Alapana] Raga Bhairav

Raga Alapana in Raga Bhairav on Chandraveena by S Balachander

Release Links:

This track is live on Bandcamp. You can purchase HiFi CD quality track though my Bandcamp page: https://chandraveena.bandcamp.com/alb...

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To know more about the origin and technical details of the Raga, visit my blog post at: https://www.chandraveena.com/blog/r22...

#Chandraveena #Bhairav #Mayamalavagaula #IndianClassicalMusic #Dhrupad #Carnatic #Hindustani #ragamusic #gaula #healingmusic #relaxingmusic #veena #Dagar #sitar #rtp



Chandraveena - S Balachander


Sadharani Music Works - https://www.sadharani.com


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