Mountain Rescue Reel 1 & 2 (1949)

Описание к видео Mountain Rescue Reel 1 & 2 (1949)

c. 1949

A Times Film Production. Commentator: James McKechnie. Commentary written by: Norman Swallow. Technical Adviser: Wilson H. Hey. Musical Adviser: Reginald Jordan. Directed and Photographed by Phil Dennis. Editor: Douglas A. Clarke. Camera Operator: Peter Kelly.

Reel 1. Various shots of mountainous landscapes. M/S of two mountain climbers - a man and a woman. C/U of woman feeding out the rope and the man climbs up a rock. Various shots of them on their way up the mountainside. Commentator talks of how mountaineers admit that sometimes accidents happen but only when climbers are tired or careless. North Wales, two mountaineers tackle a difficult climb. They prepare for their assault. C/U of boot laces being tied and of a rope being tied around the waist of one of the climbers. They begin the climb - various shots. Good C/Us of hands and boots. C/U of climber tying himself to a rock for safety. Commentator explains climbing techniques. L/S of the climbers to show how high up they are. Climb continues. Carelessness, mistakes and fatigue are discussed as the causes of accidents. Panning shot of mountainous landscape. More shots of the climbers. As the climbers get higher, one begins to lose his footing a little. He struggles to pull himself over a ledge. (The music becomes much more dramatic). His feet slip and he looks very tired. His friend looks concerned. C/U of his boots and of his hands as he slips. L/S of him falling from the cliff face. C/U of his colleague as the rope almost pulls him down too - luckily he is tied to the rock face. His friend is unconscious on the other end of the rope. His friend lowers him onto a ledge.

Reel 2. Climber makes his way down to his injured friend. He surveys the damage and feels his leg to see if it is broken. The climber calls for help. He ties his friend firmly to the rock. He puts his jacket on his friend to keep him warm. He then has to abseil down the mountainside. When he gets lower down he runs down a steep path. Various shots of him running and jumping down the mountainside. He flags down a car. The driver takes him to the nearest youth hostel. M/S of the hostel with two men standing outside. C/U of the first aid cupboard being opened and a pack being taken out. C/U of man speaking into a telephone. C/U of boots being put on, then jackets. The rescue party puts on backpacks. Car stops on a mountain road and the rescuers jump out. They carry a stretcher. There is now about a dozen in the rescue party. The leader gives his team directions and they set off. They walk (very slowly it seems under the circumstances). Various shots of them making their way up the mountainside. The injured man regains consciousness and begins to move on the ledge, as he is tied on he doesn't fall. C/Us of some of the rescuers. The rescuers arrive beside the injured man. One of the party ministers first aid. He gives the man an injection and places powder on the cut on his head. He places a bandage on his injury. The rope is taken off and the man is moved onto a stretcher. Various shots of the rescue party bringing the man down again. Ropes are used to bring the stretcher down very steep parts of the mountains. High angle shot of a Red Cross Ambulance approaching. The injured party is lifted into the ambulance. The men shake hands and say goodbye to the other climber who gets into the ambulance.

"Most mountain accidents shouldn't happen, but it is when they do happen that we see the comradeship of climbing at its best." says the narrator. L/S of ambulance driving away.

Note: our Operations Manager Ron Saunders believes that the mountain climbed is Tryfan in the Ogwen Valley.

Note: our Operations Manager Ron Saunders believes that the mountain climbed is Tryfan in the Ogwen Valley.
FILM ID:2953.03



British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.


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