Pony 411 Episode 199- Where's Li'l Sebastian?

Описание к видео Pony 411 Episode 199- Where's Li'l Sebastian?

Show Notes (This is where you can find links to news and Fan Content!): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/...

Time for episode 199! A lot of news this week. A lot of Movie news this week. But there's more beyond that! Some of it includes Facebook stickers, the Equestria Girls Specials hitting Netflix, and more!

Alca7raz and Nemesis start the discussion with a review of Legends of Magic #6! It's Meadowbrook's issue, and it has zombies! Sort of. Then it's "Marks and Recreation," the newest Friendship is Magic episode. In which Rumble decides cutie marks are bad. Hope he doesn't start a cult or anything. Finally, it's some music in Fan Content. Tune in!

Sunset Paradise: https://poniesatdawn.bandcamp.com/tra...

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