Froob Engi solo fights Hezak for 1h (Anarchy Online)

Описание к видео Froob Engi solo fights Hezak for 1h (Anarchy Online)

Hezak casts a number of nasty nanos. He has an AOE self-heal (Immortal's Lifeblood) that heals 1.2k HP/s for 12s, several AOE nukes and DOTs, CH blockers, nanodrains, and a self heal/absorb nano (Immortal's rage) that refreshes 3x 3k absorbs over a 40s period. Because of this, it's impossible for a froob to solo facetank him without running out of nano or dying.

The strategy was to let Hezak attack the bot while keeping out of his LOS to avoid being attacked by him or his AOEs. Fanatics spawn every 15s but they are handled easily by a MA engi. However, Hezak's regeneration and absorb spam proved too much to pierce through. It doesn't help that engi bots deal melee + energy damage, and that damage type trimmers have an AI requirement. If not for the AI requirement, Hezak would probably be soloable.

0:00 - Fight with comments
5:13 - Snoozefest
1:07:41 - Hezak gives up


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