Ultimate Keurig 2.0 Hack! All menu choices unlocked No Magnet Needed.

Описание к видео Ultimate Keurig 2.0 Hack! All menu choices unlocked No Magnet Needed.

keurig 2.0 K560 Costco Bought. This Video shows how to do the hack that shows the full menu, This Hack is independent from the "use any k-cup" hack (taping the top rim of a Kcup to the sensor, which has many videos on youtube already. This hack allows you to use the full menu to get more than 10 ounces of coffee from a standard Kcup, using the full menu, also actives the Favorites menu.

FinePrint- ***Try this at your own risk***, as you can see I'm not really harming anything so Warranty is likely still in tact (just put it back like it was), if you break that little tab that links to the Needle arm, it is likely voiding the warranty, again it seems like you are not harming anything so I eventually will do it too


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