How to Decarbonize Europe's Industries Now - Panel at the European Forum Alpbach 2023

Описание к видео How to Decarbonize Europe's Industries Now - Panel at the European Forum Alpbach 2023

Since 60 years, international representatives from business and politics meet in the Austrian Alps once a year, to discuss the future of Europe. This year, RHI Magnesita was a major sponsor of the Forum and hosted one of the most prominent panels. In order to inhale the beauty of the surrounded nature, all guests and panel participants first had to hike to an idyllic mountain inn where the panel took place. In an intimate circle, guests from all industries and sectors signed up to be part of of the panel "How to Decarbonize Europe's Industries Now". RHI Magnesita was very proud to host one of the few female panels at the forum. On stage: Austrian Federal Minister for Climate - Leonore Gewessler, Chief, Energy Systems and Infrastructure Division at UNIDO - Rana Ghoneim, COO MCi Carbon - Sophia Hamblin Wang and RHI Magnesita CEO Stefan Borgas.


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