Angelo - MHN: First Teostra

Описание к видео Angelo - MHN: First Teostra

My favorite monster arrives today ahead of other Elder Dragons in the series. I'm very comfortable with it's appearance now, and seeing top meta in it's gear certainly got my interest. So, while heading off to meet an appointment in Gouverneur NY this morning, I went after the first 8★ I could find

My analysis is that Teostra is kind of a menace for ranged attackers since it is definitely more grounded than Kushala Daora. It's moves give it a weakness up close typically, and the irony no doubt is that my only two other teammates were in fact Gunners. My recently maxed out Mizutsune dual blades needed to be tested against it's first dragon, and it didn't disappoint. One of the Gunners wasn't much help at all. The other I noticed took a hit right away on purpose likely to activate Heroics for increased damage values. It was a very close battle with many good saves in the fight, and breaking the Horns was the cherry on top. I was so hyped my first on this dragon went as well as it did, even though it shouldn't have. I'm going to be going after quite a few of these all weekend, and Nina may also be getting a turn going after one later on as well



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