Using Focused Ultrasound and deep brain stimulation with Neurosurgeon Jeff Elias, MD

Описание к видео Using Focused Ultrasound and deep brain stimulation with Neurosurgeon Jeff Elias, MD

Research in Motion Jeff Elias

I'm a Neurosurgeon and I really love seeing patients and trying to help the problems that they're dealing with. Then we had the opportunity to go back to the lab or or to the office and to creatively design our ways to treat or to solve their problems.

I'm Jeff Elias. I'm a neurosurgeon at the University of Virginia Hospital, and mostly I use surgery to try to ease the problems of neurologic disease. And we have a lot of tools available to us. We have stereotactic laser ablation. We can manipulate the nervous system with deep brain stimulation, and we can also treat disorders deep inside the brain with focus ultrasound technology.

I'd like to think that our research has immediate and direct effects for people suffering neurologic disease like focus Ultrasound was a procedure we brought from the laboratory to the clinic and had immediate impacts on patients disabilities actually alleviating them. And we're hopeful that we can bring that strategy or other technologies to other neurologic problems like Parkinson's disease or epilepsy or even chronic pain problems.


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