Rochshox Reverb AXS Dropper post 200 hr Service guide. Watch to avoid the damage seen in this video

Описание к видео Rochshox Reverb AXS Dropper post 200 hr Service guide. Watch to avoid the damage seen in this video

If you own a Rockshox Reverb dropper post, I highly recommend watching this video and reading the below. It might save you from damaging your post without knowing it.

This video a service guide for Rockshox Reverb AXS dropper posts. It goes over the steps needed for both a 50 hour and 200-hour service.

In this video you will see damage that can take place if the both service intervals are neglected on a reverb post. Honestly, I was surprised by how much damage there was to the dropper considering its age. Personally, I think that this is a product design fault more than neglect.

Originally, I thought this post was a bit over two years old and had about 4000 miles and 400 hours on it as my buddy who owns it is an avid rider. When servicing the post, I noticed that there was a sandy clay type debris throughout the innards of the post. Digging deeper I noticed excessive wear on the front side of the post, as you will clearly see in the video. This very much caught me by surprise. I talked to my friend who owns the post and it turned out the post is a little over 1.5 years since buying it and has around 3000 miles or less and about 300 hours on it. The 3000 miles is mostly south Michigan biking, which is mostly flat XC type trails. to say the least, dropper posts around here don’t really get a major work out like they do out east or west.

I’m sort of baffled by all this. I get the post didn’t get it regular service since it was purchase a bit over 1.5 years ago. what I DON’T get is how Rockshox dynamic grease, which rockshox recommends to ONLY use the reverb, could literally go bad in such a short amount of time. It literally expired. It turned from a pasty grease to a thick grainy, sandy crystal type clay with NO resemblance of grease to it. ALL this in less than 2 years? On a dropper no less?

I’ve seen posts and forks that have been serviced in YEARS and never saw sram butter, slickoleum etc do this. sure, they turn very dark in color black, but they still spread like grease.

What also surprised me was the location of the damage. ALL the damage was at the front side of the post. I would have thought damage like this would have happened at the back side as its seems there would be more stresses there considering seat tube angles.

The reason I bring this up is rockshox is now recommending using their dynamic grease on their forks as well. Considering 95% of riders DON’T keep up with the recommended service intervals, I just don’t see this playout well for the products over time if this is what happens to dynamic grease as it ages. So if you own a Reverb, do yourself a favor a keep up with the maintenance of it

Has anyone ever seen Rockshox dynamic grease turn to a clay like substance as is seen in this video? I’m curious

00:00 Intro
01:31 Tools needed
04:52 Part Needed
05:39 Marking seat for re-installation
08:23 Remove post Sag with vent tool
12:33 Opening the post for 50 and 200 hour service
20:36 First discover that Dynamic Seal grease turn into clay inside post
22:10 First notice post damage
24:24 Official start of 200 hour service
29:08 Discuss total post damage found
32:17 Start of post reassembly
51:51 Installing seat rail components and adjusting seat to original position
57:46 My thoughts on servicing this post



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