ASHB Webinar: Optimizing Building Data for Maximum Value

Описание к видео ASHB Webinar: Optimizing Building Data for Maximum Value

Keynote by James Palmer (Metrikus)

James Palmer shares real-world examples of how smart building technology can enable companies to:
• Enhance indoor air quality and promote occupant health and well-being, such as by using automation to maintain optimal temperature levels.
• Optimize space utilization to reduce costs, such as by using historical data to inform decisions about closing certain floors on specific days.
• Decrease energy consumption, such as by automatically turning off lights in unoccupied meeting rooms.
• Improve the employee experience, such as by preventing no-show meetings from monopolizing meeting room availability..

The agenda, slide deck, and other supporting documentation can be found at:


The Intelligent Buildings Council (IBC) works to strengthen the large building automation industry through innovative technology-focused research projects. Established in 2001, IBC reviews market opportunities, takes strategic action and monitors initiatives that relate to integrated systems and automation in the large building sector. The Council’s projects promote the next generation of intelligent building technologies and incorporate a holistic approach that optimizes building performance and savings.

0:00:00 IBC Meeting
0:06:50 Keynote
0:38:45 IBC Meeting


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