Antoine Blanchard: A collection of 177 paintings (HD)

Описание к видео Antoine Blanchard: A collection of 177 paintings (HD)

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Antoine Blanchard: A collection of 177 paintings (HD)

Description: "Antoine Blanchard was the pseudonym of the French painter Marcel Masson, known for his quaint depictions of Parisian streets. He was born on November 15, 1910 in Paris, France and studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Rennes, later enrolling at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. During his studies there, he entered and won a competition for the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1935, earning him the opportunity to travel and live in Italy. Gradually Blanchard began to collect images of 1890s Paris, using his source materials to devote his career to painting the city’s landmarks. His style is characterized by small brushstrokes and bright colors, lending his canvases a shimmering tone. Among his subjects are notable historic sites such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Moulin Rouge, and the Notre Dame, which he would often repaint under different conditions—such as depicting the customers of the Café de la Paix strolling under sunny skies in one canvas, and scurrying to find shelter from a rain storm in another. He died in Paris, France on August 10, 1988."



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