“Hotel California” (PT2) Easy Eagles Guitar Lesson How to play Chorus Chords & fills licks riffs

Описание к видео “Hotel California” (PT2) Easy Eagles Guitar Lesson How to play Chorus Chords & fills licks riffs

“Hotel California” (PT2) Easy Eagles Guitar Lesson How to play Chorus Chords & fills licks riffs

Hotel California - Eagles (PT)1 EASY electric or acoustic GUITAR LESSON Intro/Verse w/Wayne Sorbelli    • Hotel California - Eagles (PT)1 EASY ...  

Hotel California-Eagles easiest way to play/ practice this w/power chords using this song as lesson
   • Hotel California-Eagles easiest way t...  

Here are other versions of mine at different skill levels & perspective:

Hotel California” The Eagles (PT1) EASY electric or acoustic GUITAR LESSON covering both the Intro and Verse guitar parts.

“Hotel California” (PT2) Easy Eagles Guitar Lesson How to play Chorus Chords & fills licks riffs    • “Hotel California” (PT2) Easy Eagles ...  

Great guitar lesson using “Hotel California” Eagles to practice playing chord shapes using a CAPO
   • Great guitar lesson using “Hotel Cali...  


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