海關戰線| Customs Frontline | Official Trailer | 正式预告片

Описание к видео 海關戰線| Customs Frontline | Official Trailer | 正式预告片

為了調查一宗涉及香港的龐大軍火走私案,一場戰爭浩劫即將爆發…由黃金陣容 #張學友、#謝霆鋒(首任動作指導)、#吳鎮宇、#林嘉欣、#劉雅瑟 主演 😍 約定你7月5日在GSC戏院一起開戰!🔥

Brace yourself for the most explosive cinematic experience of the year! 🤯 🎬

Embark on a thrilling journey to uncover a colossal arms smuggling conspiracy in the heart of Hong Kong, featuring a star-studded ensemble cast: #JackyCheung, #NicholasTse, #KarenaLam, #YaseLiu, and #FrancisNg 😍 Don't miss #CustomsFrontline coming to GSC this 5 July! 🔥

#SembangEntertainment #NewReleases #MovieRecommendations #OfficialTrailer


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