UNWTO Tourism Stories Pacific - Kiribati, Kaboua John

Описание к видео UNWTO Tourism Stories Pacific - Kiribati, Kaboua John

Kaboua John is the owner of the Terau Beach Bungalow (Abaiang) and Assistant Agricultural Officer for the Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Agricultural Development of Kiribati.

Before COVID-19, his property received many international tourists due to the attractive lagoon nearby and he employed 6 locals and provided indirectly income generation for many other people on the island.

After COVID-19 hit, he had to find a way to anticipate the future.

Kaboua worked to make Abaiang a certified organic island. He organized a cleaning campaign, educated locals about the importance of caring for the island, lobbied for construction materials.

Read more about his tourism projects for sustainability in our latest Ebook: https://bit.ly/3pAmSIP

Find all the stories 📰 https://bit.ly/3pAmSIP


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