40K Lore For Newcomers - Who are... The Catachan Jungle Fighters? (Ft. Baldermort) - 40K Theories

Описание к видео 40K Lore For Newcomers - Who are... The Catachan Jungle Fighters? (Ft. Baldermort) - 40K Theories

In this edition of 40K Lore for Newcomers, guest narrator and editor Baldermort takes a look at quite possibly the toughest, fiercest and most resilient of all Astra Militarum regiments; the Catachan Jungle Fighters.

A massive thanks to Baldermort for putting this entire video together for me while my computer was being repaired.
   / @baldermort  

Featuring the LarryLuxus as Colonel Pannent
   / larryoluxus  

TheFreshSorcerer as Captain Rock
   / zolken91  

Snipe for the common Catachan saying
   / snipeandwibplay  

HulkyKrow as Unknown Guardsman
  / hulkykrow  

Additional artwork by Celeng, Matthew McEntire, DavidAP and Dario Jelusic

All art property of their respective owners.

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