BT Tower Heaton Park, Manchester Urbex

Описание к видео BT Tower Heaton Park, Manchester Urbex

The Heaton Park BT Tower is a 238-foot tall concrete telecommunications tower located next to Heaton Park Reservoir in Manchester, England. Heaton Park BT Tower is one of the few British towers built of reinforced concrete, and one of seven BT towers of the 'Chilterns' design

This Site is also not Abandoned and still used to house transmitters mast's for 3 mobile and EE And Site Like This Emmit High EMF non ionising radiation and can be very dangerous to you if you don't know what you're doing !

During the Cold War, the British government proposed a communications network that (it was hoped) would survive a nuclear attack. Radio stations (including the Heaton Park Tower) would maintain national and international communications before, during and after a nuclear emergency, transmitting microwave radio signals in a network known as Backbone. Spurs feeding into the network were provided at three locations: London, Manchester (Heaton Park Tower) and Birmingham Whether or not the Backbone network plan was realized is classified, but HM Government denied in Parliament that the tower's function was secretive

Beside the tower was a monitoring station (one of hundreds across the country) to record the blast and fallout in the event of a nuclear war. The station provided for three men from the Royal Observer Corps (ROC) to live underground whilst recording what was happening above ground in the event of a nuclear strike.


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